Monday, March 13, 2023



    Between four and five, the store of wonder is always open, and all are invited to enter. Though the hour of operation is relatively short, to some, it feels like a lifetime, while to others, not nearly long enough. 

Within the store, there is much to see and do, but because it is only open for a short time, it is impossible for anyone to see and do it all.  Unfortunately, there is a catch, you could only visit the store once in your lifetime, but what you do once inside is up to you.

Some spend unlimited money, others less, while others have no money to spend and instead browse around. There is one other catch; nothing leaves the store besides what you brought in.   The money you spend is merely for the enjoyment, opportunities, and pleasures others can only witness.

Though the store is only open for an hour, not all can stay the length of time but only a brief moment. Then there are those who are denied entrance altogether, not by the owner but rather by those who feel they don’t deserve entry for whatever reason. Perhaps it is felt that their entrance could take away from someone’s enjoyment, opportunities, and/or pleasure, so they are denied even to step foot into the store.

As for me, I am from a harsh yet wealthy family and was not allowed to touch or participate in anything, yet still, I was amazed and blessed with all that I saw.  Some of it was good, some not so much, but still, I wouldn’t change a thing.  

Shortly after I arrived at the store, I was separated from my family, and it was only then that I truly enjoyed my time there.

I am now halfway through the hour, and soon the store will close. There is still much to see, explore, and learn, and I’m excited to continue onward. It is now twilight, and some of my time is being spent looking over the things I have already seen and hoping there might be another store to visit once this one is closed.

The title is derived from the number of letters it takes to spell out LIFE (4) and DEATH (5) 

The Gingerbread House on LaCollina Drive

                  THE GINGERBREAD HOUSE ON LA COLLINA DRIVE     My Life Caged Behind Phil Spector’s W...