Wednesday, December 7, 2022

The SPECTOR "ghost"

Phil Spector 

 He’s a ghost 

    He’s a phantom 

        Some say a legend

            And that to know him

                Is to love him


Seen creeping in the moonlight

Lurking in the shadows

    A zombie by daylight

        Heading for the gallows

Surrounded by grounds  

    Foreboding and unhallowed

        Protected by a “Wall of Sound”

            While imprisoned within his castle

A complexion so sallow

    A heart so shallow

        Looks like Ichabod Crane

            From Sleepy Hallow

He’s a wraith   

    He’s a demon

        I would even say,

            He lost that loving feeling

There’s a tune that comes to mind

    Engraved on a tombstone that bares a rhyme

        It’s a phrase that hunts his soul

            For a man, he’ll never let go

Engraved for all eternity, it reads:

    “Father-husband” and the famous words

        “To know him was to love Him.”

I wonder…

    Would I engrave such words

        When he’s six feet under?



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