Saturday, December 10, 2022

Game Nights with My Father, AKA: Nights When Not Locked Up

Game night wasn’t on any specific day; it was just whenever dad was in the mood and usually late into the night.   Prior to it, I was locked up in my room, as were my brothers in their rooms. Being locked up was just a standard occurrence, something we were not only used to but expected. The doors would be unlocked about an hour or so prior to being called downstairs to join our father for a game of pinball or pool, but until we heard our names being shouted from down the hall, we remained in our rooms as if they were still locked. In a sense, we were conditioned or perhaps trained like domestic pets as we knew not to leave our rooms until the calling of our names.  

Like the three chimes from a dinner bell, “ding, ding, ding,” we hear the call in the form of our names, “Gary, Louis, Donte,” and we are off as if we were starving but not for food, but rather for attention like a young pup hurrying over to their master to be petted. 

It was only at that time, once we were in the hallway obediently standing in front of dad, we realized it was Game Night as we were instructed to go downstairs to join him in a game of pinball.   Because my twin brother and I were three years older than our younger brother, we always won at whatever game we played; of course, the same went for dad as he was much older than us, and therefore, he always won. Between my twin and I, Gary always won as he was a bit more skilled at playing games.   

Though the pinball machine was just below the stairs, we were not permitted to use it unless dad was around, so the only time we could practice playing was when we went up against our dad, who had many years of practice which guaranteed him a win. It was the same with a game of pool; however, the pool table was in the library, a room we were not permitted in unless accompanied by dad. In fact, each room of the house had its separate quarters behind closed doors, the living room, dining room, library, and even the kitchen, and none of them my brothers and I were allowed in without supervision.

Our rooms were the only place in the house we were permitted, so even if our doors were left wide open and unlocked, we would still have remained in them until the calling of our names. So, of course, we were always excited whenever Game Night came around, as it was a rare opportunity to spend time with our dad when he wasn’t entertaining his guest.   On those nights, when entertaining his guest, we were mostly just in the background, sitting on a couch or at the bottom of the steps anticipating our dad to call us over. Sometimes it was to occupy his guest while he was upstairs getting ready; other times, we were there to amuse them as if we were merely jesters in a king’s castle. Unfortunately, though, we were often sent back to our rooms because we were not good at it.   Game Night, however, was just our dad and us, so I always looked forward to those nights even though I knew I would lose.       

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